Spotlight on Spanish Topic – Setting a Spanish Language Strategy

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Virtual Conference, November 12-13, 2024
11:40 – 12:10 PM  – NOVEMBER 6

Setting a Spanish Language Strategy

When setting their language strategy, companies want to provide a truly local customer experience within a limited budget. And we all have lost our hair over Spanish: shall we provide a universal/international Spanish that nobody speaks but everyone understands for efficiency? Shall we simply draw the usual line between Spanish for Spain and a pan-LatAm version? Or shall we go crazy and support as many variants as markets we serve, hoping that the effort pays off? Obviously, only size does not fit all. As Amazon has grown over the years, our strategy has evolved and it’s often as granular as localization-team level. We will also reveal the power of Generative AI in adapting one variants to serve customers better at speed and lower cost.