Wayne Bourland
Global Translation Team Lead, Dell
Advisory Board Member
Wayne Bourland has nearly 25 years of experience working at Dell. He currently leads the Global Translation Team, responsible for all translation, product internationalization (I18N), and interpretation services across Dell Technologies, serving more than 100 organizations. Leveraging industry-leading technology and process efficiencies to deliver over 1B translated words a year.
Previously Wayne held several roles in Support Content development, helping to bring the KCS methodology to Dell. Prior to that Wayne led tech support teams and helped to establish call centers in India and Panama. Before joining Dell, Wayne spent 10 years in the US Army, 3 years of that time in an overseas assignment in South Korea.
Active in the broader translation industry, Wayne is a member of the TAUS advisory board, the RWS Customer Advisory Council, a former member of the TDA board, and has been published in Multilingual magazine, the Economist, Brand Quarterly, and numerous industry blogs – and along with 11 other industry peers, published the Localization Strategy Playbook!

Topics Featuring Wayne Bourland
3:40 – 4:10 PM