I found this master class extremely valuable. Dr. Wang’s knowledge, expertise and ability to explain difficult concepts was key to my understanding. The structure of the class and information covered was outstanding. I feel very fortunate to have participated in this class and feel that it’s a very valuable course and everyone in the localization industry should consider taking it. I am in the process of implementing MT at my company and this class has been very valuable and my best learning accomplishment for this year. I am confident that everything I have learned will be key to my success and our translation team.

I have had Dr. Wang as my instructor in the past and her knowledge, expertise and ability to explain difficult concepts is truly outstanding. She has been the best instructor I have had throughout the years and her technology expertise always surpasses my expectations. Thanks to her courses I have not only been able to continue to implement new technologies as a PM of a translation team but also, share my knowledge with my team which has been key to their success and the services we provide to our clients. Her teaching skills and curriculum of the class were perfect and as I mentioned, surpassed my expectations.